The skidder is defined as a self-propelled, articulated forest vehicle for skidding trees or parts of trees.
The skidding is the removal of entire trees or parts of the tree (trunk, wood assortment) from the felling and processing site to the roadside landing.

About the skidder
Skidders are an important part of the forestry machinery that is produced and used in Croatia. Existing skidders are powered by diesel engines, and in order to reduce the cost of use and meet increasingly stringent emission standards, the project aims to offer a conceptual design of a hybrid skidder, which includes sizing of drive components, customization of tools and designing management using modern optimization procedures based on precise and computationally efficient mathematical models and real data of the modes of operation of skidders measured on hilly and mountain terrain. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out field measurements on existing vehicles, and then to carry out an adequate analysis of the collected data, which is, after processing, used as a basis for the development of hybrid and electric forest vehicles. The project envisages the development of an experimental setup of an electro-hydraulic winch in order to produce a precise mathematical model intended to select a suitable winch drive that will fit into the hybrid drive of the skidder and to design the operation of such a winch. Finally, the goal of the project is to offer a conceptual design of a hybrid skidder that will be the basis for a prototype that can be further marketed as an innovative product of high added value.
Aims of the project
Increasing market-oriented activities of scientific organizations – users and partners
Patent for a Hybrid Skidder Drive
Promoting technology transfer models with businesses
Specific indicators
Recruitment of young researchers in research, development and innovation activities.
Publication od scientific papers on the topic in world-renowned journals in order to present the results of the research to the domestic and international scientific community and to participate in conferences
Development of new measurement methods and computer algorithms based on the use of new measuring devices and laboratory setup in research